The Use of Force Continuum

The Use of Force Continuum is a standard commonly used by law enforcement and military to methodically control the escalation of the use of force when interacting with a resisting or threatening subject. The Use of Force escalates in the following way: 

1. Presence – Making sure that the threat knows that you are there and will not be allowing them to pursue their intentions to harm you or others. This is often non-verbal and communicated by the presence of a badge or uniform, but in the case of civilian self-defense, it can be verbal or non-verbal communication of your presence and intent. 

2. Verbal Commands – Clear and understandable commands directed at the subject. Often short, direct messages such as, “Place your hands on the ground” or “Stop where you are” but can include consequences or preparation to move up the continuum like, “Put the weapon down or I will be forced to engage” 

3. Soft Control Techniques – This is the first level in which you physically engage with the subject. This would include Pressure Point Control techniques as well as light-level martial arts aimed at controlling the subject more than harming or disabling them. 

4. Hard Control/Aggressive Response Techniques – The focus here shifts to causing harm or incapacitating the subject who has continued to show resistance or threat. Broken bones and damage or irritation to soft tissues would be expected here. This would include all other hand-to-hand contact and defensive aerosols such as pepper spray. 

5. Intermediate Weapons – At this point the aggressor has continued to show resistance and will not be dissuaded by other methods. Blunt weapons, more intense aerosols, beanbag rounds and tasers would all be considered intermediate weapons. 

6. Lethal/Deadly Force – Intending to kill. Includes the use of edged weapons or live firearms. 

Depending on the situation and visible intent of the threat, determine the appropriate step to begin with and to escalate to.