Common Knife Blade Types and What They’re Good For

The world of knives is not so different from that of other hand-tools: There’s a specific one for every job. Listed here are some of the most common knife blade types and helpful notes on when each one will be most useful.


One of the most common blade types out there, the clip-point has a section along the spine that looks like it has been clipped off. This results in a finer point that gives you higher accuracy when precision cutting. Less metal at the tip of the blade reduces drag and makes for quicker piercing and slicing.

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The Best Beginner Hunting Guns

The best way to find yourself unprepared for any situation is to not have the right tools. In both survival and defense circumstances guns can be extremely valuable. But having a really good wrench doesn’t help you frame a house quickly or easily. In a similar vein, a heavy caliber handgun that may be very effective for self-defense in close quarters, is not likely to be helpful when looking for food. So when it comes to hunting, which are the tools that will be most effective? 

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