If you’re looking to be prepared for more than an earthquake or power outage, let this page be your guide. Covering vehicles, gear, locations and more, after this you’ll be prepared to bugout.
The Bag
The fundamental first step of bugging out, The Bag is where we’ll start. Focusing on food & water, first aid, survival tips and self-defense and the tools you’ll need for each, these articles take care of everything you’ll need.
COMING SOON – The Cunning Bugout Bag
Equipped with everything you need to carry out the perfect escape from everyday life. From Level 1 covering the basics to Level 3 that can handle anything you’ll encounter, pick the bag and components that are right for you.
The Basecamp
The second step is knowing where to go when things fall apart. We’ll discuss ideal locations, supply caches, and sustainability for the long haul.
The Vehicle
Last but definitely not least, is how to get there. Your bugout vehicle will be crucial to get you to wherever you’ll ride out the storm the best. So whether it’s buying something new, building your own, or just modifying your current ride to give you the best chance, we’ll go through it all.