Survival Tip: STOP Survival Method

One of the most effective methods to keep your head on straight in a desperate situation, The STOP Survival Method goes like this:

Stop – Look around you, consider everything that’s going on and breath for enough time to let your thoughts to slow down and be clear. The goal here is to eliminate panic.

Think – Once you’ve gotten past the point of panic, check in with yourself. Think about how you feel, what you have on your person and what is in close proximity. This will help determine what your immediate options are.

Observe – Now expand you sphere to notice what’s going on around you. Take into account the people you’re with, what resources are present in your surroundings, and what is happening around you.

Plan – With all the information gathered in your head, begin to make a plan. Address the most important things first based on your situation and don’t forget to include the needs and capabilities of those you’re with.

Put your plan into action and do whatever is needed to survive.

Whenever tensions rise or you start to feel panicked or overwhelmed again, repeat the process to keep your mind in the right state. Your mind is the most important tool at your disposal and keeping it clear and focused is essential to survival.

Bear Encounters 101

There’s a long-time saying that was intended to help you know what to do when you come across different types of bears in the wild: If it’s brown, lie down; If it’s black, fight back; If it’s white… well, you’re in trouble. The only problem is that this is completely WRONG. Let’s dive into what you should really do when you’re adventuring through bear country…

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Knife Review: SOG Fielder G-10


The SOG Fielder is a sleek and sturdy clip-point folder perfect for EDC. Standard with pocket clip, high-shine steel panels and a straight blade, it’s makes more sense to carry around town than it does as a camping work-horse. But no matter the use, the locking mechanism is solid, it holds up well under heavy use, and it starts around $25, so it’s a budget-friendly way to add to your collection.

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Survival Sayings: Part 1

To recognize a venomous Coral snake from the more docile King snake:

Red touches Yellow, kills a fellow; Red touches Black, friend of Jack.

To avoid poisonous vines:

Leaves of three let them be; berries white, take flight!

When you run into a bear:

If it’s brown, lie down; If it’s black, fight back; If it’s white… well, you’re in trouble. (cute saying, but THIS IS ACTUALLY WRONG… see the Bear Encounters post to learn what you should really do!)

Survival Tip: Water Purification with the Sun

With a clear plastic bottle and some heavy duty aluminum foil, you can purify water from any natural source with solar radiation.

Put the water into a clear plastic water bottle and place it on top of the aluminum foil or another highly reflective surface. Leave the bottle in direct sunlight for at least 6 hours (2 days if it’s overcast) and the UV rays from the sun will drastically improve the quality of the water. Perfect for emergency water purification.

This method only works for clear water and doesn’t filter out solid contaminants so if needed, clarify water first.

Basics of Burn Care

First things first, call 9-1-1 if… 

… the burn goes through all layers of your skin. 

… the skin looks leathery and has turned white, black or brown. 

… there are other wounds or injuries to the burned area. 

After calling or determining that you don’t need to… 

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The Advantages of Two-Way Radios

The incredible advances in mobile phones and service coverage areas over the last 10 years have caused a significant decline in the popularity of two-way radios. And it’s true that radios can’t compete with smartphones when it comes to capabilities or everyday convenience. There are still many reasons why a set of two-way radios is an essential component for emergency prep, and here are a few: 

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The Rule of Three

A person can survive for:

3 minutes without oxygen

3 hours without shelter

3 days without water

3 weeks without food

“You gotta make it a priority to make your priorities a priority.” – Richie Norton

Keys to Urban Survival

Some would say that survival is survival, but there is a distinct difference between staying alive alone in the wilderness and trying to save your skin in the middle of the city. And while people normally think about the former, urban survival is more relevant when it comes to prepping for an emergency because the truth is roughly 80% of Americans live in urban areas. So let’s talk about survival there…

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